Comparing Acid Reflux Medication

Do you need acid reflux medication to stop your acid reflux? Understand how acid reflux drugs work with this easy-to-digest overview:

Most Consumed Acid Reflux Drugs

H2 Blockers

Histamine H2-receptor antagonists, also known as H-2-blockers, stop your stomach acid before it has a chance to be formed. They do this by turning off the histamine receptors in your stomach lining. H-2 blockers such as famotidine (Pepcid),ranitidine (Zantac) and cimetidine now sold over-the-counter. Stronger versions like nizatidine are available by perscription.

Proton Pump Inhibitors

Proton pump inhibitors or PPI's switch off acid production by blocking your 'acid pumps'. These pumps drive protons into the stomach. The more protons inside your stomach, the more 'sour' becomes your stomach content. Examples of over-the-counter proton pump inhibitors include Prilosec, Zegerid, Prevacid (lanzoprazole), and Aciphex . Others like nexium ('the purple pill' ) and protonix require a prescription. 


Antacids are the first-aid solution for a sour stomach. Antacids are salts that neutralize your stomach immediately by reacting with the acid.  A simple and cheap solution, that is available over-the-counter. Maalox, Tums, Rolaids and Mylanta, all neutralize your stomach acid. They come in pills, liquids or tablets

Other Acid Reflux Medication


Prokinetics provide fast stomach emptying. Evacuation of stomach content gets pressure off your stomach, which helps your stomach vale to keep all acid inside. Examples are benzamide, cisapride, mirtazapine and domperidone.
The use of domperidone, like motilium,  is restricted because it can cause heart problems. It is still available, but only on prescription. 

Raft Forming Agents

Raft forming agents, like gaviscon, form a foam that floats on top of your gastric content. This foam forms a protective coating that prevents acid to flow back into the esophagus. It keeps the acid where it belongs and that is inside your stomach. Products like gaviscon don't enter your bloodstream and have no general effect on your body.

That is the reason that they are a popular acid reflux medication among future mama's.

You can buy Gaviscon liquids or tablets.  Pieces of tablets get easily stuck between your teeth. Therefore, liquids are easier, especially when you have acid reflux at night

During the day, tablets are more convenient. You can put them in your pocket or purse and pop a pill whenever you need one.

Most Efficient Drugs

What is the most efficient medication for you? That is the big question of course. It all depends on how frequently you are having symptoms.

reflux rescue
  • If you suffer from acid reflux only once in a while, simple over-the-counter acid reflux drugs provide an easy solution. Antacids and raft-forming agents can bring immediate relief. They are effective for a short time, but don't provide a long term solution.
  • If you regularly have heartburn, you need stronger medication. H2 receptor blockers are a long-term solution. If you take them consistently, you avoid a sour stomach.
  • People with daily symptoms of acid reflux, stop them by taking "PPI's" .  Proton-pump-inhibitors are the most effective acid reflux medication on the market.

Side Effects

Do you really need pills? A growing amount of evidence suggest that acid reflux drugs are prescribed too easily.  Raft forming agents like gaviscon and antacids are harmless and efficient, but don't provide a long-term solution.  

Stronger medication, like acid blockers, can become addictive and have important  side effects . Think twice and consult your docter before you start taking products like nexiam. 

Acid reflux remedies can help you without popping pills.

If you have recurrent  symptoms of acid reflux, consult your doctor. It is not wise to start with self-medication if you haven't passed a medical check and, more specifically a gastroscopy.

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